Can you claim temporary insanity if you’re already a little bit insane?

Wednesday, November 25

A star is born

Last week Bryant was in his Jr. High's production of 'The King and I'.  He played the Prince with the hard to pronounce name.  Not only was he the cutest actor on stage, but he was also the best!  I claim no motherly prejudice or impartiality when I say this.  He really was the best.  (and if you don't believe me just ask his dad)

Last year we were privileged to sit through all three performances of the "The Music Man.'   While it was enjoyable, I have to say one night of watching a Jr. High musical is very preferable to sitting through three nights of a Jr. High musical.  (esp. if your cute actor kid is the one adjusting his 'costume' onstage.  As a mother, how do you mention to your teen son that everyone, including said mother, saw him do this?  Simple don't.)  Rumor has it they are doing 'Oliver' this spring.  Pray for me.

Who doesn't love a dancing penguin?!?