Can you claim temporary insanity if you’re already a little bit insane?

Monday, August 10

So...obviously I'm as good as blogging as I am at answering phones and facebook stuff. What can I say??? (No really, I'm asking a legit question here.) Alright, a quick update on the Purnell's. Kids are still alive and kicking. We can thank the Brentwood School district for that. One more week together and this may have been a very different blog. (from a very different place. I don't think I'd do well in prison, especially since hand sanatizer is bad for certain area's of the human body.) Carl and I are preparing for an authentic pioneer trek with the youth of our stake. We've been asked to be a Ma and Pa to some unfortunate 12-18 year olds. I've spent the last week sewing my authentic pioneer skirt...and then picking out the stitches. (repeat that process about a00 times and you can see why I don't sew. Ever.) My family has survived my journey into domestication and their wounds are healing quite nicely. (Amazing how hard it is to see a tiny needle in plush carpeting, but how easy it is to step on them. Geesh) Long story short, I'm not allowed to sew anymore. Let's add that to a growing list right under 'no power tools'.


Brian and Cathy Phillips said...

Yay! Another post in less than a month. Sniff sniff, I'm so proud (like I'm one to talk).

So, "Ma," (tee hee. Seriously, they couldn't have asked a better couple; we're gonna need a seriously long blog post with pictures after that goes down.) I thought you had already been banned from sewing. What happened there? Now that you're on (of off; I can never remember how it goes) the wagon, when do I get my authentic pioneer skirt made a la Tiff?

Lois Carlson said...

We need pictures of the pioneer outfit. I am always amazed when one of my daughters picks up a domestic skill. Where did they learn it? Sewing - cooking, etc. So, the heat is on. A blog on your pioneer trek.

Erin said...

hahahaha. ok that was really funny! When did you become funny? hmmm. It's true, blogging, calls, facebook....i'd like a little shocker button to press everytime I get ignored....or just for when I feel like it. p.s. those poor kids. They don't know what's about to him 'em.

Who doesn't love a dancing penguin?!?